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Original Message:

Re: Re: Trying to get rid of the Grandview Las Vegas (by Lance C.):

arlenek72 wrote:
There is no outstanding loan just maintenance fees. Can I just refuse to pay? What are the consequences for a Canadian citizen? We own a condo unit in Florida that we rent out but will undoubtedly be selling in the next few years. Would non payment of these fees interfere or complicate the sale of our condo?

Whether you are behind on your loan/mortgage or maintenance fees, you will not be able to rent out, use, or sell your unit. No one will want to take over ownership of your unit with money owing on it.

As for the consequences for a Canadian citizen, the only one I can think of is that you will face a bunch of collection calls and letters. They're annoying but will eventually go away. Chances are very slim that they will legally come after you seeing that you are in another country.