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Its been posted on Tugg that we lost a good forum friend Feb 21,2008.

KenK on TripAdvisor and Tugg and Kekouri on Redweek was one of the most knowledgeable people on Redweek and lead with help on TripAdvisor and Tugg.

KenK and I talked many times on forums on TripAdvisor and he was the person that sent me to the Tug site couple years ago. Always helping other travelers and never trying to show anyone up or talk down to them,he just helped with the right information when people asked.

He e-mailed me over last couple years when I had questions myself and I always wanted to meet him and his wife while on vacation but it never happened.

He kept a low profile on here but was without a doubt one of the most knowledgeable people on here and no need to prove it. He will be missed!

My condolences go out to his family and close friends.

Sorry if this doesn't fit on Redweek but I thought people should know that ever had dealings with Ken and this is in no way meant to be in bad taste.