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Original Message:

Re: Global Access thru Orange Lake Resorts (by Suzanne S.):

This news just keeps getting worse and worse!!! We are priority club members. I believe we joined through Crowne Plaza Hotels. There is no fee to join Priority Club so I am curious as to the applications of the points. I am also curious as to what great advantage having joined the no longer existing Global Access but the now, new and improved Holiday Inn Club will really be for those of us foolish enough to be harangued into buying into the OL points system in the first place!!! We also own points (rci points) in Vegas. I was shocked to learn from RCI that we cannot combine our OL points with our Vegas RCI points for a longer stay or larger unit anywhere because "OL is on there own"!!! NO ONE told us that when we upgraded to points at OL either! Needless to say, we feel duped as do others!