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Resale buy backs, prices and discrimination? (by Cyndia S.):

I have owned at Manhattan Club for four years now and am now in a position of not being able to afford the monster maintenance fees. We were new to timeshares when we bought and were told in 2005 that "in the very near future" all units would be sold out and, after that time, the developer could no longer exercise the right of first refusal on any resales we might want to do. The way I understand it now, if you get an offer from someone privately (e.g., on Redweek), you have to present it in writing to the MC peeps and they then have the right to offer you the same price. Basically, they can edge out any other buyer by doing this unless you get lucky and find someone who will pay well for the unit.

Here's my own math on things: the "maintenance fee" that one pays at ANY timeshare is a forever thing. You may "own" a week there, but, over and above this, you will always pay a hefty maintenance fee (mine is nearly $1700/year at TMC). I don't know about most people, but I have NEVER paid anywhere near $1700 a year for a week's accommodations. Therefore, after four years of getting sucked dry and feeling a bit silly for falling for the sales pitch and the allure of New York City, I have to get OUT and probably take quite a loss. My question is this: how can there be such a huge discrepancy in the prices I am seeing now on Redweek for TMC resales? I have a studio/1 bathroom unit and paid a whopping $27,000 for it in 2005. I'm told they now go for over $30,000. Add on the maintenance fees, and it is a wealthy person's paradise. If, as you say, TMC is reselling these units at all these different prices, you do have to wonder what they bought them for. Look forward to hearing from others about their experiences.