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Original Message:

Stay away from ALL "upfront fee" entities --- including Resorts VP... (by KC):

kr96 wrote:
... a honest person or company to help us sell our property?
The timeshare resale market has largely hit bottom in this economy. Your best bet for a successful sale, while admittedly requiring some effort on your part, would be to advertise and sell your timeshare yourself (for a mere fraction of the cost of paying ANY useless upfront fee parasite). Looking at completed auctions on eBay, for timeshares comparable to yours, will give you a relatively clear idea of what buyers are willing to pay these days.

If you bought "developer-direct" (i.e., not resale), be prepared for the shock of discovering that current resale prices might well be 80--95% LESS than what may have been paid in a developer-direct purchase. If there are any outstanding loans remaining on the ownership, there is NO chance it can even be GIVEN away. With many timeshares selling for mere pennies on eBay these days, no one is going to willingly take on someone else's debt under any circumstances.

Good luck.