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Original Message:

Re: Company called Paradise Property Group Offering to Re-Sell Mayan Palace Timeshare for NO Upfront Fee (by R P.):

lancec13 wrote:
There are a number of things you mentioned that clearly point to this being a scam.

1) They contacted you. Legitimate resale agents don't need to go cold calling timeshare owners.

2) Mexican timeshares are not selling for $38,000. Right now, some owners are having a hard time giving them away.

3) Investors do not buy timeshares for tax purposes.

4) If/when you sell a timeshare in Mexico, you do not need to pay the Mexican gov't. any taxes. And even if you did, that amount would come out of the proceeds of the sale, not paid upfront by the seller.

5) Legitimate resale brokers charge a commission of at least 15% or $1000 - whichever is greater.

So when Julia calls you back, you can tell her where she can stick her scam.

By the way, Angie M 123, your post is showing a glaring discrepancy from these crooks. They say they are asking for no money upfront yet they are asking you to pay $3500 taxes before this deal can be closed.

Very good information Lance .... I especially like the part that I highlighted.