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Original Message:

Re: Company called Paradise Property Group Offering to Re-Sell Mayan Palace Timeshare for NO Upfront Fee (by R P.):

angiem123 wrote:
if this is a legit deal and i get my money at closing in the next week, then i will be the first thank craig and his team at paradise properties for selling my timeshare. i will keep you posted on the progress.

Lance has given you some very good advice and you've got to be kidding that these people are telling you to fly to Mexico to pay some sort of tax ..... don't hold your breath waiting for your timeshare to sell. People aren't traveling to Mexico like they were pre-2007 (before the economic crash) and because of gang wars in parts of Mexico. DO NOT, REPEAT, DO NOT pay any kind of upfront fee including some bogus Mexican tax fee.

If this operation was legitimate they would take their fees after the sale and when closing.