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Re: Ripoff - Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Program - New Point System (by T M.):

Don't waste your time saving DC points for the Cruises - the cruises are low value rooms and they add on extra fees. I joined DC points program because I like to trade one of my Marriott properties. And I figured Marriott will try to make it much harder to trade with Interval in the future. I did not think DC Points was a good value and still do not. And I firmly believe the program was conceived just to make more money for the new Marriott company. However, I decided to try one of the Explorer Cruise vacations from Destinations. I converted two platinum 2 bedrooms units into 5000 points and paid two yearly maintenance fees. And I paid the extra $199 yearly assessment to Marriott that goes along with the DC Points program (so I would no longer have to pay booking fees.) I booked a cruise using those points. All info on Marriott's website says "a cruise for 2 for "X" number of points". When I called to book the cruise then I was told about the $827 in Port charges/Gov't fees. But, this is even better - Marriott also added a $19.95 processing fee. (I thought paying $199 a year would eliminate booking fees - not true! How long before the Marriott processing fee is $49?) I went through with the reservation because I had accumulated the points for two years to go on a cruise, so I figured W.T.F. I paid the $847 in fees knowing it was not a good value. Well, I got my room reservation email from Marriott. This week, a month later, I went on the cruise line website to look and saw my cabin # was changed and not for the better. I called Marriott - they blamed it on the cruise line. I called the cruise line and they told me that it was Marriott. Marriott booked my cruise and did not post my payment. (I had paid in full. In fact the credit card bill is even paid.) The cruise cancelled my room for lack of payment. When Marriott realized their mistake they re-booked but, just didn't bother to put in the room I picked. The room I had picked was available when Marriott re-booked. The new room I have is in the category but, a floor lower. Of course, no rooms are left on the floor my original room was on. The rooms Marriott gives for 5000 DC points are extremely low value rooms. I could have booked on the cruise line website for less than all the maintenance fees I pay Marriott and these extra add on port/gov't/processing fees combined. Also I would have a better room. Plus Marriott has my two Platinum 2 bed weeks to re-book. (The room I got was the floor just above the cabins the crew sleeps in. Basically as low as you can go = cheapest available). So my advice = don't save up points to use for any of the Cruise deals (and probably not for any of the DC vacation offers either). Marriott charges high DC point amounts for inferior cruise ship rooms. Marriott charges a processing fee even though their reservation reps are incompetent. I was on the phone for 3 hours talking to the cruise line and Marriott yesterday to get what I thought was fair compensation. All they offered was $50 in cruise dollars. I feel that Marriott screwed up so I should get a cabin upgrade. No dice. I know I paid way too much for a crappy room, incompetent service by reservation reps and poor customer service. Buyer beware the Marriott DC Points Program.