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Original Message:

Re: Murray and McGuire Management Group/M&M Mgmt. Group (by R P.):

rogert67 wrote:
you need to do a police report with your local Police. I have sent an email to NBC Dateline with what is going on and maybe you should to. I have registered a complaint with the BBB for Dallas and Chicago just to have it noted. The more noise the better cause no one will take notice of one persons misfortunes but when there is many it may make a difference. I was thinking of starting my own web site titled "time share Scam Alert" just for people like us that found the info too late. Whether it would reach the top of the Google list is anybody guess but the only way to hit these pieces of crap is where it hurts most and deny them our hard earned money. I am hoping for more feedback, please let me know.

You also need to file a complaint with the attorney general in the state the scammers are located ..... you can file online.