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Original Message:

Re: Anyone heard of Point Potential, a Wyndham timeshare ownership management company? (by Angela R.):

Okay now top both sides of this debate. We can argue for hours that timeshares are scams but others will say they love theirs etc. Same goes worth these companies. I will admit there are quote a bit of scams I the world and I find it despicable what they do to a group of people for their own selfish gain. But having said that, there are plenty of reputable companies, as I own one, emerge us we can eliminate maintenance fees but also the headache of having to keep up with the rules that change all the time. We maximize their ownership because we have the inside knowledge to do so. We alleviate what they don't like so they can enjoy what they have. I do this because I saw a huge need and believe it to be the right thing as any decent person. would. Would you change your own oil only having briefly be told how to do it? No so this is the difference. Just make sure you find a reputable company whoops focus is the owners and you will be so glad to have it.