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Re: Diamond Resorts raises maintenance fees again! (by Robert R.):

That is the most asked question, how does one get out from under Diamond Resort's extremely high maintenance fees? One thing that is clear is never pay anything up front because that is another shark attack. You could try selling it on eBay, maybe for $1.00. But I am thinking of just walking away. What are they going to do? Trash your credit report? How much do you care about that? If you are trying to get a mortgage you can probably explain that they are time share crooks. I think a lot of people are doing just that. Look at their financial statements. The delinquency rates are high. in my HOA out of 23 million in maintenance fees, five million is bad debt and three million is shown as a "developer delinquency contribution." So is that a 35% delinquency rate? Have you seen anybody on this forum say that DRI has gone after them with a collection agency or legal action? They have our money so they can just foreclose and sell it to the next sucker.

2015 maintenance fees are out. Mine went from $1163 to $1242. Higher increase than the CPI but less than past increases. My comparable property in Mexico charges less than $450. You are right, it no longer provides much value.