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Original Message:

Re: I am a former TIMESHARE EMPLOYEE IN MEXICO (by Asia E.):


In very simple words - I got scammed by Krystal Resorts, Cancun, into buying their 25 weeks rental program. Not only have I paid a large amount upfront, but have been paying off the balance in monthly installment.

Only recently I realized this was a scam and have since found this web site and a whole thread devoted to Krystal Resort's cam.

I realize that I have absolutely no chance of recourse - but with three more years of installment payments left, what would happen if I suddenly stop making those payments? The US company that is collecting the payments for Krystal is Concord in AZ, which is a collections agency.

Will they be legally able to enforce the contract and destroy my credit? Any advise on how I can get out of this mess?
