Timeshare exit

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Re: Timeshare exit (by William P.):

My wife and I have rented and sold properties using Red Week. At our age in down sizing our portfolio, we bought high demand, where everyone wanted to be and have made money from them both renting and selling. We bought our first over 20 yrs. ago, at the dog and pony show, but after renting and then selling it obviously we didn't make original price, but we did use it yearly, rented it when we didn't, and still made a good return in the sale. All that being said if you have a good property, where everyone else wants to be, used it to your benefit for yrs. Will you make your original price back? probably not.....will you get a decent return.....(as long as you're realistic.....YES) patience, perseverance, is the key. Good luck going forward.

marilynl122 wrote:
I own a couple of timeshares that we are not fully utilizing and would like to get rid of them. An internet search led me to this organization. The input from participants let's me know that this is NOT a good path to take.

The Red week website links me a option to sell the timeshare (on Red week for a fairly nominal fee). Has anyone successfully sold a timeshare using this option? Mine are all on the east coast and in well maintained locations. We've visited each in the last year and found them in good condition and full or nearly full capacity (so still popular options). We felt we've gotten our value from these (when our family was younger) but now it's almost a chore to utilize them fully.

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.