TW Online Marketing

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Original Message:

TW Online Marketing (by Steve M.):

Hello, I want to respond to hopefully set your mind at ease. With all the wonderful things the internet has brought, it can sometimes be incorrect and even false. Like the one complaint I addressed that said all those hateful things about us and the BBB but when we (T.W. Online) and the BBB went to verify the person complaining, we discovered they have never been a client of ours, they gave a fake email address, and the complaint to the BBB was promptly removed. As I said in my response, their complaint was word for word to the BBB with the exception they took out all the inaccurate, negative things they said about the BBB in their complaint to the BBB. I'm not saying we're perfect and we're 100%, we're not and I don't know anyone who is. I am saying we are certainly not a scam and all of us here work really hard for our clients. I can be personally reached at (800) 476-5680. My name is Steve Manning. Thank you!