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Reselling a Mexican timeshare contract... (by KC):

sherbyo wrote:
Just want to ask if there is possibility to sell my time share in Mexico.

Please don't shoot the messenger, but chances are frankly slim to none.

Mexican RTU contracts essentially have no resale market value. In addition, some (...not all, but some) Mexican timeshare operations charge exorbitant transfer fees of several thousand dollars just to transfer the contract into another person's hands.

Your best hope may lie in advertising and offering it for free, with a pre-paid year of maintenance fees and with you offering to pay the transfer frees in order to even generate ANY interest at all. Even then, you may hear only "crickets" in response. It's easy and relatively inexpensive for people to just rent (or exchange into) timeshare weeks in Mexico, since they are basically "a dime a dozen", so there is little or no interest in acquiring the annual obligations of a contract. I can only hope that you did not pay a large amount of money for this "product" when you acquired it.

On the other hand, if you should decide to simply NOT pay another penny, there is absolutely NOTHING that a timeshare entity in Mexico can or will do about that, except to terminate your contract and access priviliges ( what?). After all, you don't actually OWN anything there, you merely have a "right to use" (RTU) contract --- they will keep selling such contracts to anyone else who comes along and "signs".