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Original Message:

Re: Has anyone used HELP4TSO (by Don P.):

I consider it a compliment to get called names by scammers . I spent a career putting criminals in jail . These scammers deserve to be charged if they are ripping people off for their hard earned money . It's an honor to expose them in public forums . They make their money by steering their victims out of the public forum where they isolate them and convince them to fork over thousands of dollars .

I have never taken one penny from anyone in the timeshare industry . I have seen the industry change over the years unfortunately for the worse . Corporate greed took over and people just want an honest exit plan .

Many companies have realized that need and are now accepting deed backs on a case to case basis . What bothers me is the low lives that prey on people who don't know how to do it themselves .

Let's keep the forum free of scammers .