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Original Message:

I expect "crickets" in response to the open challenge below... (by KC):

rogerf39 wrote:
Facts do not appear enter into the equation......I have offered to provide a sworn affidavit to my positive experience. In my opinion a lawyer making libelous statements about me is totally un-American.

So, let's evaluate facts and data.

By all means, let's do so. Your offer to "provide" a sworn affidavit is meaningless (as you surely know). There is no mechanism or possibility for you to provide a "sworn affidavit" to these RedWeek forums in the first place, so your "offer" is really just empty words. Likewise for the (alleged) "refund check" you claim (with no substantiation) to have received. If you got a refund check from an upfront fee "exit" operation, you would very likely be the first (and only) person in history to have ever done so. That is simply not the m.o. of those types of parasite operations.

What you CAN do (and I hereby openly challenge you to do so) is to simply post the official County records book and page of the allegedly "transferred" deeds achieved by your upfront fee "exit" magicians. Recorded deeds are public information, very easily accessed and viewed by anyone on earth with Internet access who is interested enough to look at those retrievable public records.

....But I'm sure there is some contrived reason why you can't and / or won't actually provide these easily verifiable facts.

By the way, libel is a actionable legal offense --- aside from whether you consider it "totally un-American". Libel is, in essence, defamation by written words,- published with malice and resulting in demonstrable damage of some kind to identified person(s). If you somehow think that people openly expressing doubt about the accuracy of unsubstantiated claims made by (anonymous and unidentified) persons in a Internet discussion forum constitutes "libel", rest assured that you are quite mistaken. If you believe otherwise, by all means pursue a civil lawsuit alleging libel.

In the end, as previously stated, people are free to believe whomever they choose to believe. I for one simply just do not believe you.