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Original Message:

Ho hum... (by KC):

I frankly don't think that there are many (if any) "worthless" Marriott timeshares, so it's certainly not much of an accomplishment for anyone to find a new home for one (or two). If you paid someone to do that for you, that was your personal choice and prerogative, but it likely was never actually necessary.

If you had offered those Marriott weeks on the "Bargain Deals" section of Timeshare Users Group (there is no cost to do so), they would likely have been snapped up within a day by Marriott fans / owners over there.

I'm sure that your "exit magicians" made a pretty penny on you, collecting whatever you voluntarily paid them "upfront" plus whatever they got for the resale of those Marriott weeks --- with very little additional effort or expense on their part.