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Original Message:

Re: Has anyone used HELP4TSO (by KC):

rogerf39 wrote:
Thank you for acknowledging that Help4tso were successful in disposing of the timeshares.

For the record, I did no such thing.

You posted some deed transfer information. It's great that you were able to transfer ownership of two unwanted Marriott timeshares. That being said however, nothing within any of that deed transfer info suggests, indicates or confirms that your endorsed "exit magicians" were involved or responsible in any way for finding new owners for those timeshares. If you gave them away yourself or sold them yourself for a penny, the exact same information would be reflected in that deed info. Also, the information posted does not confirm whether the new "grantees" are even real, actual people or perhaps just fabricated names created out of thin air by a "Viking Ship" operation, an act which (although not uncommon) would constitute willful and actionable (and criminal) fraud, but fraud which unfortunately takes some time to discover and unravel and deal with.

It is relevant to note here that in most states, with only a very few exceptions, only the seller (grantor) has to affix a notarized signature to a new deed before its' official recording. The buyer (grantee) signature(s) need not be notarized and no "grantee" identity verification occurs at all, except later (i.e., after recording) by the "chain" (or by the independent resort, as applicable). Viking Ship operations do great harm in conducting what is plainly outright fraud (a criminal offense, by the way). I am not implying or stating that this is what occurred in your particular instance; I am merely pointing out that this particular form of fraud is routinely (but ultimately seldom successfully) attempted by "Viking Ship" operators.

I agree with you that greedy corporate timeshare developers are largely responsible for the sorry state and deservedly poor reputation of the timeshare industry today. Their sales weasels sell "sizzle with no steak" on a daily basis to a gullible and unwary public --- for tens of thousands of dollars with no exit strategy or options, even though they know (...but do not care one bit) that the product they are selling may very well be literally worthless before the ink on their sales contract is even dry. Some would call that "capitalism"; I would instead call it "despicable and unconscionable deceit".