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Original Message:

Re: REFUND OF DEPOSIT for a time share rental (by Don P.):

Attorney and paralegal services are a new scam in the timeshare industry. They claim to be able to get you out of your contract and all they want is your upfront money. Check to see if the " attorney " actually has an office that someone can walk into and see for themselves. Check on line with the bar association in the state they claim they are licensed Anyone can claim to be what ever they want on the internet and set up a website and use a drop box as an address. Don't be victimized by a scam. Do your homework. Don't give anyone a penny until you verify they are actually an attorney and even then it's questionable if they can get you out of your contract. Try what Lance suggested. I got rid of two timeshares that way in 2011. It was inexpensive and I dealt directly with the resort.