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Liedto (by Emily M.):

I am writing as I am truly TICKED off. I had stupidly purcahsed a times sahre at the SHERATON VISTANA RESORT in ORLANDO. I have been pursuing since last year the issue of allowing pets at the resort. It is something that could / should have checked before buying at the resort But we do know the pressure talks they give.

I was informed that there was a meeting Oct, 6. I was also informed that the issue would be discussed. I requested a copy of the minutes. The outcome was as I expected. What truly ticked me off was that when I comtacted the manager of the SHERATON VISTANA RESORT I was informed by him that the issue was tabled. I do know what that means -- it was simply set aside to be discussed at a later date. I requested a copy of the minutes -- and lo and behold the issue was discussed but the outcome was far from tabled -- It was voted down.Yes IT WAS VOTED DOWN. Democracy can work but we have to let it.

WHen one receives a notice of meeting and a proxy vote, one NEVER receives a notice of what will be discussed at the meeting.

I am truly disappointed that the manager of the resort would go to the extremes of lying about the outcome. It had even been suggested that that several units in a part of the resort could be set aside for pets.

I recently stayed at Celebration World Resort -- a unit that ALLOWS pets. THere were many pets -- of all sizes and breeds. They did not set aside special sections -- as I saw people from alla reas walking their dogs.

Pets at a resort -- I will continue to pursue the issue. My pets are well behaved -- probably better then a child ( and yes I have taught many children) My pets, when told to behave etc do LISTEN. Yes people will say - that an owner will rarely ever say their pets are not well behaved. But mine is -- he wont eat inside the house, he will wait at the door to go do outside. Regardless of whether I think my pet is well behaved or not, to me he is. He is kept on a leash at all times at the resort and does have proof of current inoculations from a vet. They do not run around having tantrum fits. They do not go around bothering other people only when they feel that I am being threatened. Many couples have by now retired, children have grown and off on their own, and their pets become their new children.

Why should a person travel with pets then have to kennel them the entire time because a resort does not want them there. Resorts discriminate againts regular pets. I was informed that if it was a service dog they would be allowed. THe law does states that service dogs are allowed.

My comment -- yes they are working. Yes it is the law. When I inquired as to what is done to the room after this animal leaves I was informed that the cleaning staff spot clean it. So -- overlooking the fact that they are working dogs -- I inquired as to what was the difference between cleaning after a service dog and cleaning after a regular dog. The comment -- There isn't. Just because a dog is not classified as a service dog does not mean that it does not provide a meaningful service to its owners and does and should also qualify as a working dog.

Dogs are branded as being destructive and noisy. Yet is that looked at for people? How often have people destroyed rooms etc? How often have people been so noisy that security has been called to the room? How often has one tried to sleep -- only to be awoken by loud partying, running up and down the hallways and loud music. People may be frightened, or small children or people with the dog, but he always leaves everyone alone -- they appraoch him.

Pets are just given a bum deal.