General Discussion


Dec 27, 2007

Any one have any experiences with 2ndmarkettimeshares? by Rio4

Norb S.
Dec 28, 2007

If they charge an upfront fee to sell your timeshare then run as fast as you can .... it's a scam.

R P.
Jan 02, 2008

Rio4 asked: >>Any one have any experiences with 2ndmarkettimeshares? << =================================================

On several different occasions, I have seen "for sale" listings with Second Market Timeshares on which I've made inquiries about some important details which were missing from the ads. In each and every instance, I never received even the courtesy of a reply to my inquiry.

In short summary, I have no direct experience with the company (if it is, in fact, a legitimate company at all), simply because they have not even been professional or courteous enough to respond to inquiries made about their own ads. This seems to be an odd way to conduct a business, but as they say..."your mileage may vary".


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 02, 2008 05:49 AM

Jan 03, 2008

rio4 wrote:
Any one have any experiences with 2ndmarkettimeshares? by Rio4

Hi Rio,

If you contact 2nd Market Timeshares and don't hear back from them please let us know and we'll try to contact them as well. They have been members of for over 3 years.

Thanks, Marty

Marty F
Jan 03, 2008

marty8084 offers: >>If you contact 2nd Market Timeshares and don't hear back from them please let us know and we'll try to contact them as well. They have been members of for over 3 years.<< ===============================================

I'll assume for the moment that this offer also applies to other RedWeek members besides Rio. If so, be advised that I sent an inquiry to Second Market Timeshare Resales on 12/20/07 (2 weeks ago now) to which I never received a response of any kind. That inquiry was sent through RedWeek, in response to RedWeek ad #R161011. And, as previously stated, I've also inquired of Second Market Timeshare Resales several times before about other listings --- and never received the courtesy of a reply to any of those other submitted inquiries either. As also stated previously, that's an odd way to do business...


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 03, 2008 06:12 AM

Jan 03, 2008

ken1193 wrote:
marty8084 offers: >>If you contact 2nd Market Timeshares and don't hear back from them please let us know and we'll try to contact them as well. They have been members of for over 3 years.<< ===============================================

I'll assume for the moment that this offer also applies to other RedWeek members besides Rio. If so, be advised that I sent an inquiry to Second Market Timeshare Resales on 12/20/07 (2 weeks ago now) to which I never received a response of any kind. That inquiry was sent through RedWeek, in response to RedWeek ad #R161011. And, as previously stated, I've also inquired of Second Market Timeshare Resales several times before about other listings --- and never received the courtesy of a reply to any of those other submitted inquiries either. As also stated previously, that's an odd way to do business...

Yes, Ken, that applies to anyone sending inquiries that have not received a response after one week. I have emailed Second Market Timeshares letting them know that you have not heard back from them and to respond immediately.

Thank you, Marty

Marty F
Jan 04, 2008

marty8084 stated in part: >> I have emailed Second Market Timeshares letting them know that you have not heard back from them and to respond immediately.<< ===================================================

Today, exactly 15 days after my initial inquiry, I did in fact receive a reply (I wouldn't quite call it a response) from someone at Second Market Timeshare Resales, apparently after some prodding from RedWeek. The reply was, in essence, that neither they nor the seller whom they represent quite understand what the seller actually owns or, consequently, what is actually being advertised in the particular ad to which I responded back on 12/20/07. However, agent LM reassures me that if they ever figure it out, they "will get back to me". I probably won't be holding my breath in the meantime....


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 04, 2008 03:00 PM

Jan 04, 2008

ken1193 wrote:
marty8084 stated in part: >> I have emailed Second Market Timeshares letting them know that you have not heard back from them and to respond immediately.<< ===================================================

Today, exactly 15 days after my initial inquiry, I did in fact receive a reply (I wouldn't quite call it a response) from someone at Second Market Timeshare Resales, apparently after some prodding from RedWeek. The reply was, in essence, that neither they nor the seller whom they represent quite understand what the seller actually owns or, consequently, what is actually being advertised in the particular ad to which I responded back on 12/20/07. However, agent LM reassures me that if they ever figure it out, they "will get back to me". I probably won't be holding my breath in the meantime....

Hmmm, that's not good.

Marty F
Jan 04, 2008

Today, exactly 15 days after my initial inquiry, I did in fact receive a reply (I wouldn't quite call it a response) from someone at Second Market Timeshare Resales, apparently after some prodding from RedWeek. The reply was, in essence, that neither they nor the seller whom they represent quite understand what the seller actually owns or, consequently, what is actually being advertised in the particular ad to which I responded back on 12/20/07. However, agent LM reassures me that if they ever figure it out, they "will get back to me". I probably won't be holding my breath in the meantime.... ====================================== Hmmm, that's not good. ====================================== Marty: After a fair number of years of timeshare experience, I have come to observe and just accept that some owners simply do not really understand all the details of what they own in the first place. If they later decide to sell and can't locate their ownership documents and provide copies to a reseller, the owners may (and do) sometimes misrepresent the facts and details to the listing agency --- not necessarily out of malice or deceit, but out of a basic lack of knowledge. The reseller may then innocently advertise the inaccurate or incomplete information, even though the underlying information provided to them by the owner was actually wrong in the first place. So it goes sometimes. Asking the right questions easily uncovers and exposes situations like this --- as has occurred in this instance. That's the whole point of "due diligence". No harm, no foul...


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 07, 2008 05:27 AM

Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.