General Discussion

Exchange Search Suggestion

Jun 01, 2008

I would like to make a suggestion to improve RedWeek's search capabilities for exchanges. Currently, the system requests that the location be entered and then available units are displayed with their point totals. To find the specific dates that are linked to these units one has to click on each and every resort. Is there a way that the available dates can be displayed automatically in the summary or is there a way to set up a date range as a search parameter. I am also a member of Interval International and their search function is terrific. All I have to do is put in my date parameter (which is not limited to 10 weeks like RCI) and then select to show me all resorts with available units for exchange. Using this type of a searching, I have traded for locations that I probably would not have thought of initially. I'm not a computer programer and, therefore, do not have a clue as to the degree of difficulty for this type of change, but it's just a suggestion to make your product more user friendly.

Diana C.
Jun 02, 2008

dianac13 wrote:
I would like to make a suggestion to improve RedWeek's search capabilities for exchanges. Currently, the system requests that the location be entered and then available units are displayed with their point totals. To find the specific dates that are linked to these units one has to click on each and every resort. Is there a way that the available dates can be displayed automatically in the summary or is there a way to set up a date range as a search parameter. I am also a member of Interval International and their search function is terrific. All I have to do is put in my date parameter (which is not limited to 10 weeks like RCI) and then select to show me all resorts with available units for exchange. Using this type of a searching, I have traded for locations that I probably would not have thought of initially. I'm not a computer programer and, therefore, do not have a clue as to the degree of difficulty for this type of change, but it's just a suggestion to make your product more user friendly.
============== Go to the link for Timeshares for Rent & Sale, on the right side of the page, select ADVANCED SEARCH. From here you can select your travel period and unit size. If you want to check out the dates for the specific WEEK number, go to the RESOURCES link at the top right corner of the page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see links for Timeshare Calendars.

Hope this helps.

Mike N.
Jun 04, 2008

Thank you Mike for the helpful hints. I tried this process and found it much more user friendly.

Diana C.

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