Ask RedWeek

Manhattan Club vs NY Attorney General Schneiderman.

Aug 10, 2014

Hi RedWeekers, Nice to be here, and I can use your help. I have the Gold Flex plan which allows booking for any seven days (excluding the four days surrounding New Years Eve). I can book individual days throughout the year in various combinations. When I bought, in 2001, the maintenance fees were reasonable, and for the most part, I could usually get the booking dates I wanted. In the last few years, the maintenance fees are over $2500, and booking rooms for the dates I want, has become increasingly more frustrating. Apparently there are many members who are in the same predicament. I recently received article stating the "NY AG's office obtains court order to halt sales of timeshare interests at Manhattan Club" as of 7/25/2014. I had plans to sell the time share near the end of my contract (May 2015), but now I think I should wait for the final ruling, or maybe should try to sell my time share for a reasonable price. What would you do?


Roger T C.
Aug 11, 2014

coraggir wrote:
What would you do?

Remember, this lawsuit is temporarily stopping the developer from selling units, not stopping individual owners.

If you want to sell, and I don't blame you for wanting to do so, I would advertise on reputable sites for a reasonable price. Many other owners at the MC might be wanting to unload this $2500/week burden too so you are probably in some tough competition and might have to give it away.

Also, remember the cardinal rule for selling. Never, ever pay anyone a large, upfront fee to sell, rent out, market, or "cancel" your timeshare.

Lance C.
Aug 11, 2014

roger, hang on a while. it seems like we owners are making some legal progress re maintenance fees and reservation availability THANKS TO OWNERS' COLLECTIVE EFFORTS, AND MORE RECENTLY, TO OUR NEW YORK STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, ERIC SCHNEIDERMAN, WHO HAS TAKEN ON THE ENORMOUS TASK OF GETTING THE COURTS TO TREAT MC OWNERS FAIRLY AND WITHOUT ALLEGED FRAUD OR SCAMMING ON THE PART OF MC MANAGEMENT. roger, even if you wanted to sell at this time, the sales success rate for THE MC is negative zero. you might get rid of it by practically giving it away for $1.00 (to make the ownership transfer legal). believe me, i've gone that route, and was even taken by a shyster "timeshare sales expert" in orlando. the tune of $1,000....upfront. was i ever dumb and unsavvy at the time!

get back,


Chris V.
Aug 12, 2014


I have no intention of paying upfront fees, and I have been to websites offering MC time shares for a pittance. It's frustrating, but I will wait and see what the AG's investigation comes up with. Thanks for your advice.


Roger T C.
Aug 12, 2014

Chris, I do plan to hang on for a while, because I am encouraged by AG Schneiderman's involvement. But the whole thing is frustrating. Thanks for your response.


Roger T C.

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