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What does medium season mean, for Aruba?

Nov 10, 2015

In the timeshares for sale in Aruba, it lists medium, high, seasons. What months does the medium season encompass?

Pamela R.
Nov 11, 2015

pamelar232 wrote:
In the timeshares for sale in Aruba, it lists medium, high, seasons. What months does the medium season encompass?

That depends on whose classifications it is. Is it Resort Condominiums International's (RCI's)? Interval International's (II's)? Usually, when an owner lists here on RedWeek (I'm assuming that's where you're seeing the ad), it's according to how the exchange company classifies the interval. If that is the case, you can probably go to the various exchange companies' websites and look up the resort in question. It will tell you which weeks are high, medium, and low.

As an example, RCI might say that a particular resort from weeks 51-52 (around Christmas time) are "red" indicating that RCI classifies that as the highest demand and therefore high season.

Lance C.
Jan 09, 2016

when is a medium week at Bariny Beachclub Hilton head

Steve H.
Jan 10, 2016

Personally I find the terms high, medium and low along with Red, white, blue, and to a lesser extent platinum, gold , silver etc. to be fairly meaningless. In the free form section of the ad, owners need to list the float weeks which are available to that ownership. The other terms are meaningless because different resorts call different weeks by different terms and they don't have any universal meaning. If it is a fixed week then that is all you need to know, again self identifying weeks by those other terms isn't helpful. I've contacted owners about what they consider a high week and it was just about the least desirable weeks possible in my opinion.

Since the terms have no intrinsic meaning you need to contact the owner to find out what weeks their "medium season" entails if they don't list it on their ad. It obviously should not entail what Marriott considers platinum weeks and it shouldn't be what Marriott considers bronze weeks. That leaves silver (weeks 5-12 and 44-48 plus 52 and 52) and gold (weeks 13-21 and 35-43)

Tracey S.
Jul 07, 2021

When is the medium season at Aruba Marriott Ocean Club?

Joseph Louis

Last edited by phyl21 on Jul 12, 2021 08:37 AM

Aug 02, 2021

Can someone explain the high medium and low listings at the Marriott Aruba surf club ?

Mikey G.
Aug 02, 2021

Mikey: This indicates the dates you are able to reserve a week. At Marriott's Aruba Surf Club, the medium season is weeks 18-50 (Gold Season), while the high season is weeks 1-6, 8-13, 15-17 (Platinum). You can view a timeshare calendar on this page: Timeshare Calendar

RedWeek Support

Last edited by phyl21 on Aug 02, 2021 09:33 PM

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