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Vague mention of a wyndham program to combine maintainance + yrl subscription fee into a smaller payment..

Nov 19, 2017

I own northstar killington/vt, but i always visit smuggler's notch vt because it's closer to my house... i was recently at smuggs, and at check in the wyndham dude mentioned that there's a program where instead of paying northstar 700 maint, then paying wyndham 200 subscription fee, i can just pay wyndham directly some ammt, and they will pay northstar for me... I was on vacation so i said "ok whatever i'll google it later." and went to have fun... but now i'm googling it and i can't seem to find out what that program is called, and whether or not the 1 payment i'd send wyndham would be less than 900$ ...

Obviously it removes the flexibility of allowing me to skip a yr of wyndham and just rent out the unit myself, but i've never done that and will probably never do that, because i'm lazy, and besides i tend to get 2-3 weeks at smuggs each year thru points exchange, because there are always sales during the off season when noone's buying at smuggs (it's a ski resort, but i don't ski, i just love the pool and the 'fun zone' bouncy house climbing wall ping pong table place)

Anyone know what this program is called, and whether it's worth looking into or if it's just another scam to try and get me to pay out more money for the same thing i already have?

Ben L.
Nov 19, 2017

benl91 wrote:
... i was recently at smuggs, and at check in the wyndham dude mentioned that there's a program where instead of paying northstar 700 maint, then paying wyndham 200 subscription fee, i can just pay wyndham directly some ammt, and they will pay northstar for me...

Anyone know what this program is called, and whether it's worth looking into or if it's just another scam to try and get me to pay out more money for the same thing i already have?

Personally, I have no knowledge whatsoever regarding this alleged program, but nonetheless harbor serious doubts that your fees could or would be reduced by a curious "consolidated" payment. I would be glad to be mistaken, but just color me dubious. To say the least, it is highly unusual ( is virtually unheard of, actually) for ANY system to make payments to a different, unrelated resort or system on behalf of owners. In my opinion, that claim has a faint but distinctly foul "aroma" to it, right from the git go...

On the Timeshare Users Group web site ( there is a Wyndham-specific discussion forum and a fair number of participants in other TUG forums who are Smuggs owners and users. An inquiry posted over there might well yield a reply with details of this program --- if it actually exists. The fact that the assertion seems to have been presented to you by a Wyndham rep frankly makes me instinctively suspicious. To say the very least, Wyndham sales weasels are not exactly known for their honesty and / or truthfulness.


Last edited by ken1193 on Nov 20, 2017 07:30 AM

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