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Re: (Vacation limitless) First company who actually helps me get rid of my timeshare

Hello, I found your post on here and wanted to ask how it went with the program that you purchased for the vacation weeks? We just purchased the same program today at a Vidanta in Mexico. Thought it would be a good way to try out the program and see if it’s really all day talked it up to be. Would love to hear your experience. Thank you! [Q=martyb83] About 4 months ago I attended a presentation at Vidanta in Riviera Maya and I want to post my experience. At first, It seemed like any other b.s. company that promised us to help us get rid of our timeshare. Honestly, after reading many posts here and on tugbbs I've been very hesitant about taking a deal in which I would have to pay a fee upfront in order to get a third party or any firm to get rid of the membership, for what they offered me a deal in which I could get their Vacation Limitless program and they would show me step by step how to deed back my program myself at zero cost. Now, I don't always use my Westgate at painted mountain and they showed me their program in which I would be able to get in (and many other locations) for less than $299 and also get access to Vidanta itself at member rates so I agreed with low expectations about the TS-ridding thing, given that I was genuinely interested in their program. The agreement was pretty much black and white and all the benefits we're appealing A couple of weeks later I did exactly as they said and Halleluia! I honestly didn't think It would work but it did. It's amazing how the right pieces of information can get you a long way! I would really like to know about any of your experiences with the company helping you with your TS and the Vacation limitless program itself! really looking forward to using the benefits. Marty B.[/Q]