Report Abuse - 180019
Judith D: Wastegate has a track record of being entirely unafraid of litigation. The Overton case cited above (filed over 10 years ago, then taking another 4 years to conclude) was an unusual one where someone had deep pockets and enough will and time to initiate an expensive court case and a willingness to see it through to the end. The case ultimately ended up before the highest state court in Tennessee (...where Westgate still lost). Unless you have similarly deep pockets (and a comparable will to spend lots of time and money for lawyers and depositions and courtroom testimony), filing a lawsuit would likely be a waste of time, energy and dollars. If you truly believe that you have a valid case, [b]first[/b] contact the Attorney General's office in the state where you initially purchased. That would be a smarter (and also cost-free) alternative. If you choose to pursue that route, be fully prepared to have [b]all[/b] of your facts and [b]all[/b] of your supporting documentation readily available and chronologically organized. Sob stories, vague accusations and fuzzy recollections without sufficient and persuasive supporting evidence will get you absolutely nowhere. Good luck.