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Vistana Plus Cancellation - SVN Option Good or Bad Deal

[Q=kathieo327] Hi all, Sheraton Vistana Owners who are in the Vistana Plus program have been informed that the program is going away Dec. 31. By Oct. 1 we have to decide if we want to join Starwoods Vacation Network. They are waiving the $599 fee to do this. This will get me into their network Start Options program. Can anyone tell me if this is a good deal and does it affect my weekly ownership under the old program. I own annual floating weeks, that I can trade through II. Under the Plus program, every other year I could convert to SPG points. That is also an option in this program. It sounds good, but I am skeptical.[/Q] ========================== Go to the TUG forum ( There is a section on Starwood Vacation Ownership. Post your question there and you will probably get a quicker answer.