Report Abuse - 37588

Selling a timeshare...

[Q=michaelk91] I keep reading about people that have been scammed, including myself, isn't there anyone out there who has had success in selling their timeshare??[/Q] Sure --- but certainly NOT through ANY "upfront fee" parasites. To sell a timeshare, you must advertise on your own, at a competitive price. I have sold 6 (out of a total of 10 owned) timeshare weeks over the past two years or so, making no attempt to sell the remaining four. *ALL* were sold entirely on my own. It takes some time and effort, minor costs to advertise, as well as honesty and accuracy in the resort / unit details provided in the advertising. Patience and good (and timely) communication with interested buyers is also important. Last but not least, your price must be both realistic and competitive. That all said, however, some timeshares really ARE virtually worthless in a weak economy, if they are at run down facilities, in off season, in remote places of little interest, and/or have high maintenance fees. Sellers sometimes forget that no buyer cares (...not even one little bit) what a seller may have paid previously. Buyers (quite understandably) only care about the price at which THEY can purchase the same or comparable week TODAY, whether from you or from someone else. In other words, in order to get sold, yours needs to be about the lowest price around for the same (or closely comparable) unit / week. Relying upon someone else to sell your week(s) for you is generally just wishful thinking if you really want it sold. Paying someone a fee "upfront" to just "list" your timeshare on an obscure, unknown web site at a grossly inflated price, buried among hundreds of other overpriced weeks, is simply a complete waste of both your time and your money (...and it will also never actually result in a sale).