Report Abuse - 37605

An interesting (but not quite believable) fairy tale...

[Q=sharonl262] The only thing I can say is that I tired to list my timeshare with Timeshare Media Group and for 40 days I thought that I was being scammed. Eventually guess what guys the damn deal went through!!. I couldn't believe it. I had been scammed three times before. My GOD work in mysterious ways.[/Q] In 26 years of timeshare ownership and extensive experience with the industry, I have NEVER ONCE even HEARD of this particular entity, which you claim sold your timeshare --- in 40 days, no less! That's not "God working in mysterious ways" --- that's a flat out MIRACLE! All six of my own sales in the past few years took considerably longer than 40 days, even at rock bottom prices. Most closing processes alone take 6-8 weeks, AFTER buyer and seller reach an agreement. Frankly, I do NOT believe your claim --- not for one moment, despite your invoking God's name in making this unsubstantiated claim. Further, I think that what you are actually doing in placing this post is just a (not very subtle --- and not at all convincing) attempt to get FREE ADVERTISING for this entity by posting a "success story", one containing no verifiable facts, no resort name, no dates, no nada... Would you have us believe that you previously got scammed THREE TIMES, learning no lesson from the first (...or second, or third...) experience, and then yet somehow chose to trust a FOURTH upfront fee company, one which then miraculously succeeded in selling your timeshare in a mere 40 days? Please.....I was born early in the morning, but it certainly wasn't early YESTERDAY morning. Why don't you just prove me wrong by openly identifying here the County in which this alleged "sale" occurred, citing the specific book and page number of the recorded deed? Any and all interested parties can then look it up online and confirm this "miraculous transaction" for themselves? (You would have been provided a copy of this new deed after recording, so this is very easy for you to do). I won't be holding my breath waiting for that to happen, however... The bottom line to ALL readers here is NEVER pay anyone ONE CENT upfront to sell your timeshare. NEVER! Advertise it yourself and sell it yourself if you want it to ever get sold at all. Even if you end up having to sell it on eBay for mere pennies, at least you still won't have thrown away HUNDREDS of dollars by voluntarily donating that money to a useless, ineffective, upfront fee parasite. Do the math! NEVER send ANY upfront fee "advertising" company a PENNY! Instead, CHOOSE to starve them all right out of existence! THAT'S the way to make them disappear NOW, without waiting for protective legislation which isn't magically appearing anytime soon anyhow. If people would just STOP sending these parasites their hard earned money, then the parasites would HAVE to go away --- and MAYBE even have to go find a real job and make an HONEST living!