Report Abuse - 40111

Re: vacation sales and marketing scam

I too signed up with Vacation Sales and Marketing to sell my Arizona timeshare. After the requisite 6 months with no action, I sent the certified letter with a request for refund. Every time I called, the answer was that my request had been sent to their "legal department" and that my refund would be forthcoming in 6-8 weeks. I finally asked my credit card company for help, and they credited my account even though the normal 60 day limit was long since past. I sent them copies of the VSAM agreement, my certified letter receipt, etc. and they were very cooperative. That was in November, and thus far nothing from Vacation Sales. Just for grins, I called VSAM in late November after my credit had been issued and was told that my refund would go out on Dec. 4. I honestly don't know how they remain in business, assuming that they are. I see that they still have an active website.