Report Abuse - 45343

Re: Marriott Going to a Point System

As I write, I am staying for the first time at the Maui Ocean Club (on an exchange basis through Interval International). This afternoon, I was stopped alongside the beach by a Marriott timeshare salesman and I quickly chimed in to say, I'm already an owner of 2 weeks and I love Marriott! He then told me about the new points system. As he spoke, I quickly grew angry. This amounts to bait and switch -- only worse, because after owning for 12 years and having become accustomed to the system that I bought, suddenly the product I own no longer exists. The salesman aggressively told me that I would no longer be able to come to Maui with the new system (hellova sales pitch!). I said I sense a lawsuit. He rudely said that since I am a "secondary market owner" I "would not have a leg to stand on." (Can anyone imagine a Marriott employee speaking to an owner like that??). I was incensed by his tone and responded, "On the contrary, Mr. Marriott will not have a leg to stand on." He said, "Good luck with that..." ...beyond shocking! I came home and googled to see if others felt the same as I, and I see mass discontent. Marriott MUST KEEP the system that they sold us. Whether we are original owners or secondary-market owners is immaterial. Those of us who bought on the secondary market had to accept that we were not getting the benefit of points. Now, those that bought directly from Marriott are seeing their points become worth less or worthless. Marriott must pay US, the OWNERS if they want to buy away our rights and privileges. It is hubris and illegal not only to change the system after we bought, but additionally to tell us that we have to pay for it! No, thank you. I just bought a 5-year contract with Interval and now I'm told I can just stay at my home resort! Someone organize a class action lawsuit? Hell yes!! Unless Marriott backs down and acknowledges that they had the best system before changing it, count me in to join and fight this.