Report Abuse - 46830

Re: Marriott Going to a Point System

We attended a Destinations (Points) Program presentation yesterday. It helped us understand the system better, even though they tried to obscure the negative impacts and played up the flexibility. One of the big issues for us as MMOC owners, since we return to MMOC every year, is this will reduce the number of units available to select from because some units will be deposited in and reserved for the Destinations program. And, if we did participate in Destinations, not only would there be fewer units to choose from (because many owners will not deposit their units to make them available to Destinations), there will be a greater number of points owners competing for those units. It is a lose/lose proposition for owners that want to stay at MMOC. The winner is Marriott, because they will continue to sell points even though all of the MMOC units are sold.