Report Abuse - 50244

Re: Marriott Going to a Point System

We as a family owning multiple weeks of deeded Marriott are SO angry at this switch to points after being told points were so inferior to the Marriott deeded system! We do not wish to switch but the Marriott Corp is setting up for huge actions by deeded owners if ever we can get together!!! now that points owners can check in mid week it makes it very complex to get your requestednweeks when getting up 13 months ahead to book FIXED WEEKS that you should just have to tell Marriott what date you will arrive not beg to get them,nespecially consecutively. We were also told that we could trade/request the new units in Maui but amazingly nothing has been available for 2 years.......yet friends on the point system got in!!! There are so many things that have been changed after purchase it begs for fixing. Now Marriott has taken their hotels and divided them into a separate entity. What happened to there will always be a hotel on the property that u can book when extra family comes? Towels costing $80,ooo a year for replacement, points are NOW better than DEEDED........then being told "do u have that in writing"!!! It is offensive to ones intelligence! How do we get deeded owners together to fix/solve/resolve these changes?