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Re: Bluegreen Points

I have Bluegreen now and the points are a good way to vacation if you have time to do so. I just sent paper work to a company to post mine for sale. We don't use it enough to justify paying the yearly fee. I receive 9000 points annually and pay about $1000 in maintenance fees every October. In addition points can be saved for 1 year or transfer them to choice hotel points. There is a charge for this but is usually less than $100. If you are able to travel more this is a good option. If you do purchase book early the popular resorts book fast so you may have a hard time booking them or that is what I have found. Don't get riped off and pay a lot for them, sadly the resale isn't great for them. Anything over $5000 is to much if you ask me. The times I have used the points the resorts are nice and haven't had major issue. There is a it of options for them do it is a matter of where and when.