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Original Message:

Re: Anyone know anything about Finn Law Group? (by Morgan O.):

donp196 The first thing I would do is contact your home resort and ask them to take it back through a deed back ( quit claim ). Offer to pay the next years maintenace fees and taxes. I got rid of two timeshares that way. I explained to them that I was going to get rid of them with or without their assistance and they both agreed to take them back. It was inexpensive and a safe way to dispose of them. The home resort didn't have to worry about them being bought by a Viking Ship outfit and spend thousands of dollars in lost fees and expenses only to get them back anyway. NEVER pay anyone any upfront fee to dispose of a timeshare. They are scams if they require a

We want to get out of our time share immediately can you provide more guidance on what you stated above? Did you have to get a lawyer?