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Original Message:

Re: Anyone know anything about Finn Law Group? (by Chad R.):

Hmmmm is right!! I have a feeling that Irene Parker may not be who she claims to be. She says you cannot solicit or post anything about other ways to get out of your timeshare than her way! Yet, she refers to not only Flynn Law Group ( primarily) who advertises getting you out of your timeshare for a fee and to Tom Tubb from Island Consulting Reality who rents out your timeshare & sells for profit. What is the difference? Hmm.... it’s who Irene Parker wants you to go to? It does make one believe that there is something in it FOR SURE! If she is so on board of promoting getting out of your timeshares then why wouldn’t she allow any and all members of her FB group to post ways to do it. Irene Parker, I’m sure Flynn Law Group and all the other lawyers your group claims to work with is in the business to make money just like any other company. Get off your soap box, Irene and give your FB members the freedoms to post what they want especially when it’s legitimate information on how to solve an issue that they are having with their timeshare ownership. Oh, one last thing! Why is it that when FB member are happy with their timeshare ownership do you BLAST them and make them feel stupid for being positive or helping another member by providing them information????? The first thing out of your mouth is “ Are you a Diamond employee?! Or “ Do you work for an exit company?!” Nope! Maybe these FB members are Diamond, Wyndham, Westgate, Lawrence Welk, Spinnaker, Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott, and or Grand Timber Lodge owners!!! You get my point ! And really, who cares! Let all legitimate resources be available to members and not just the ones Irene or anyone else that blasts members ( Patty Boyak) potentially profit from. And more importantly, let ALL FB Diamond Advocacy MEMBERS share their stories with one another so that they may help each other.

johni116 wrote:
From above - why did Julieb989 change her name to "Betty"? Seems like someone is trying to distance themselves from previous comments. Maybe "Betty" should clue us in............