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Original Message:

Re: Question about Renting (by Phil L.):

jayjay wrote:
You must have a rental agreement signed by both you and the owner in order to protect both of you. There's a sample rental agreement in the buying, selling and renting forum, however you can word if anyway you wish.

I think your suggestion of owner ratings is a very good idea.

Jayjay, I wonder about your sample rental agreement you showed on a post. Could someone just copy it and use it and I only ask this because the site that you can buy and down load also calls it a sample agreement!

The only problem I have with a person rating someone else is when you get someone just being a jerk or not to smart and just messes a transaction up then blames the owner!

How many times have you read someone complaining because of things like they rented or bought a timeshare then find they could get better price. Its always someone elses fault and here comes the bad rating!

This review stays with the owner and the one causing it rides of in the sunset!

We see this on resort reviews where one person trashes a resort and twenty others loved the place.