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Re: I worked at a timeshare SCAM....I want to tell you about it. (by Amy V.):

ghulamalig wrote:
amyv41 wrote:
2 years ago I worked at a timeshare scam. I am a single mother (it doesn't condone my actions but please understand). I easily made over 3k a WEEK at my resell job. The company has a really BAD rep online you will find them on

The owner a very young guy and his pal run the place his pals father is an attorney and they are the lowest of the low.

I found the job being unemployed and afraid I answered an ad in the Orlando Sentinel for sales people. I have quite a bit of sales and marketing experience and they gladly took me aboard.

I soon realized that I was dealing with a timeshare scam by that time I had already been well on my way to making $156K for the year getting a 30% commission on every deal I sold.

As you may be able to imagine I was having a worldly & spirally binding war within my self. I can still remember how excited that the whole office was when the first hour I made my first sell. It was an intoxicating experience I still bare the shame for. the man & wife even called immediately back after I got their credit card just to check if the number was real, and of course it was. As you already know my faith, my spirit and my fear of god brought me to my senses. I started to question the owner in front of the "other" employees and I did my own Internet investigations including a back ground check on the owners & the DUI attorney daddy. I found what I was looking for and I was not quiet about it so they FIRED me. I expected as much. I needed to be fired to clear my conscious.

The place is still scamming to this day and they are still raking in the cash from unsuspecting timeshare young and old alike. I am sorry for my part in this SCAM. I just want you all to be aware of the fact that you should NOT pay an UPFRONT FEE. TO anyone ever. I find that this site is the best source of renting the timeshares out (by word of mouth).

Good luck to all and I am sorry if I hurt you who ever you are.

Thankyou very very much for this vital info. about not giving upfront fee. I am trying to sell my time share westgate town center at orlando but all companies want upfront fee, which I refuse to pay. Could you please advise me how I sell this time share. thankyou

Yes. You should go to your resorts in house resell office. If your resort is not able to resell please avoid UP FRONT FEES OF ANY KIND even through a so called lic real estate broker/agent, However, a licensed professional is regulated by the FREC in Florida and the laws about upfront fees are very clear they can not take up front fees EVER, for more info contact the DBR dept of business regulations. GOOD LUCK. I feel for you.