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Original Message:

Re: Global Resort Network? (by Ivy T.):

kimw190 wrote:
Cynthia, the company that GRN partnered with has been in business for 21 years. They do not have the issue's you are writing about.

Again, I am not here to convince you or anyone for that matter, I just do not like to see inaccurate information posted online about a company I work with.

Again, it ls not MLM, but that really does not matter, and saying that MLM's are in danger of product running out is about the oddest thing I have heard online yet, and do not know how to respond to that. :)

Again, have a great weekend,



Do you guys offer cruises too? And, (in reference to Cynthia's concern) how does GRN guarantee the lifetime membership? Who will honor it if something happens in the future (worst case scenario)?