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Re: Redweek exchange program (by KC):

phill12 has stated / asked.... >> I have a question dealing with this new program of Redweek and other smaller trading companies!

I know we do not have to join II or Rci when we own at a resort but once you do are there not guild lines to follow as far as the trading company you signed on with!

The resort has contract with II or Rci so when you join your agreeing to their rules and the resort rules for trading. <<

If you OWN a week, then it is yours to deal with as you see fit (within the resort's operating, occupancy, parking, etc. rules, of course). The fact that a resort may be affiliated with one (or more than one) exchange company does NOT change or affect that indisputable fact. It's YOUR week.

In joining any exchange company, a matter entirely and distinctly separate from your resort week ownership, you then agree to the exchange company membership rules. Those rules may (and do) prohibit you from renting out an exchange, for example, as a specific term / condition of your membership, but an exchange company (whoever it may be) certainly cannot dictate any terms or restrictions regarding your participation in any OTHER exchange companies.

RE: >> Will resorts except trades with some company like Redweek when the resort already has contract with one of the big two! <<

Back to point #1 above. It's YOUR week. Resort affiliation with the "Big Two" does not and cannot dictate what you do with YOUR owned week --- and/or what OTHER exchange company you may choose to utilize to trade your week. Also keep in mind that DAE (a smaller but established exchange company) is also a partner in the RW program.

Re: >> I know I have checked other small sites and one in Hawaii too. They show the smaller resorts outside the main gate of our resort area but have not seen our resort on any of these list for trade! <<

Not sure of your point here, but is it perhaps simply a matter of "available inventory"? At my best locations, searches VERY rarely show any "deposited weeks" awaiting exchange. That doesn't surprise me.

Re: >> Why would a resort work with Redweek when they already have agreements with other trading companies! <<

Don't confuse the resorts' exchange company "affiliation" with YOUR RIGHT as an owner to utilize ANY exchange company you choose! The resort doesn't have ANY say in who/how legitimately exchanged weeks arrive there. Their ONLY say is the exchange company (or companies) with which they have their own contractual affiliation. THEIR affiliation has no bearing on YOUR ownership or YOUR exchange thereof. Don't lose sight of WHO OWNS YOUR WEEK --- YOU!!!