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Original Message:

Re: Redweek exchange program (by Phil L.):

jayjay wrote:
Phil is right on the money. Just because a resort is listed in the RCI or II wishbooks (catalogs) does not mean you have to use either of those exchange companies.

As long as you own the week, you can go with whatever exchange system you wish.

[[ PHIL]]

Jayjay I think you meant to say Ken was right!

What I was thinking was because our resort has contract with II they would be limited to only working with II. I understand its my unit and I can do what I want but working with Redweek means the resort has to also deal with them now and this might not go over to well with II.

If someone rents my place and stays then there is nothing trading wise resort would be doing to help. But if I trade then Redweek is involved and that is what I was wondering about!

I did check my first unit and get 1934 if I used Redweek.

Before leaving II there needs to be some nice resorts 5* that we want to use! I will keep watching!