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Original Message:

Re: Redweek exchange program (by Phil L.):

[phil12] I know I have checked other trading sites and one in Hawaii too. They show the smaller resorts outside the main gate of our resort area but have not seen our resort on any of these list for trade!

[ken1193] Not sure of your point here, but is it perhaps simply a matter of "available inventory"? At my best locations, searches VERY rarely show any "deposited weeks" awaiting exchange. That doesn't surprise me.

PHIL12 Ken what I was trying to say was that we have some condo's outside our gate like the The Ridge Sierra,Ridge Point,Ridge View and Ridge Crest and these units are cheaper to rent and not five star condo's.

These are the units I find on these smaller trading sites and same with most condo's. When you read about a unit many times ad will state it is close to some big name resort!

Hope this makes my questions a lttle more clear!