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Re: Redweek exchange program (by KC):

RE: >> What I was thinking was because our resort has contract with II they would be limited to only working with II. <<

Perhaps true for THEM -- but YOU don't have any such contractually exclusive arrangement.

Re: >> but working with Redweek means the resort has to also deal with them now and this might not go over to well with II. <<

Not so. Resorts are ALREADY dealing with multiple exchange companies (Trading Places International, Dial an Exchange, RCI, etc. NONE of them has ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to say about where you choose to deposit the week(s) YOU own.

RE: >> If someone rents my place and stays then there is nothing trading wise resort would be doing to help. But if I trade then Redweek is involved and that is what I was wondering about! <<

Not a legitimate worry, in my own personal view. The bigger concern with a RedWeek trade, in my opinion, is whether or not there is anything available in their (so far) very limited inventory which is better than (or even nearly as good as) what you have firmly in hand already, which would justify your "giving up" (depositing) what you have in exchange for something else. That, of course, is a personal decision based on your own personal priorities and assessments of what is "on the table" for exchange. My recommendation (and advice I'm certainly following for myself) would be NOT to deposit anything of high value to you until or unless you start to see offerings of comparable value / interest. Just my opinion, but I'm practicing what I preach......

Re: >> I did check my first unit and get 1934 if I used Redweek. <<

Sounds like a pretty high valuation --- but does RW offer anything that you WANT in exchange? For me personally, so far that answer is no.

Re: >> Before leaving II there needs to be some nice resorts 5* that we want to use! I will keep watching!<<

You don't have to "leave" II, unless you choose to do so. You can belong to multiple exchange companies at the same time (I certainly do -- and I will continue to do so until / unless annual membership fees become prohibitive). RCI is my #1 candidate for non-renewal, with no other entity even close behind in second place, but that's a whole other story........ ;-)