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Jayjay-Gingin you know I try and never reply to your post but I have been reading all this from you and (Ken in pertinate 1193 I'm so full of myself) and need to say something here.

You seem to be making a very bad try at another one of your insults about a poster. I know Phill 12 has stood up to you many times and as any of us that knows you and had many run-ins from Tug and you do like to do this treatment to anyone that disagrees with you.

I also know he very seldom replies to you so you feel you can make comments about his post. There are some post last couple months you throw insults at Phill12's post knowing he probably wouldn't bother do a reply.

I sent e-mail to him last month about one of your slams. Something to the effect that you and this Ken gave the right answers so he should not bother giving his opinion. He e-mailed back that you just were not worth it to him and Marty would jump in and delete him as soon as he stood up to you so why waste the time.

I'm not just sticking up for him but for every poster you pull this on and there have been many.

You like to get people who disagree with you into a posting war knowing your buddies at Redweek will jump in a delete the post talking back to you. This has been done to so many people on here most don't even bother replying to you.

I know him from here and Tug and he is very nice person that shares.

I read his post and it seems he is stating what us that own timeshares understand is happening. You state to everyone that you are a expert because once you owned nine timeshares and I have no idea or care if that is true.

I read what Phill was saying is because of resorts renting units and other reasons exchangers are getting assigned the worse units in resorts many times. Many of these units need repairs or are set for fixing months later.

This is a true fact and us owners see this every year now.

Ken in pertinate part 1193, Who cares if you grasp any statement on here by anyone. You just like to make issue of any statement made by anyone on here.

You are so full of yourself its unreal. You come on here and as you have stated it is to straighten people out or out right call them liars or say they are clueless.

You make this little digs that jayjay had to explain Phill12's statement because you just don't grasp it and this is crap. You just want to start more crap on here. I would have let this go to but you do this all the time to people's post and at the least it rude.

What was behind your comment that Phill12's wording in the post was exact as the subject? This was a little way to throw a insult in and nothing more. Still not sure what your point was.

You just finished a job on another poster on here calling himself DR. ----, don't remember his name but you ripped into him and called him a liar and demanded he prove things to you and this is uncalled for!

When jayjay is being nice she really does try and help people and answers with very good information. She does go over board sometimes but she has many good points. I think she does care but when she has someone disagree she gets mad and it shows in her writing.

You came on here and from what I have read last few months your worthless on here because you don't try and help but insult and down grade posters and try and get your point across that you know more than anyone on here and it gets old.

If you read 90% of the post you and jayjay will be on them and not many others because they just stop.

Your almost funny because you are here to straighten people out and when you can't find someone to go after you then turn on jayjay.

You even had a post few months ago that after you and jayjay having a spat like two children you said you wouldn't bother her again but within a week you were back.

Most of your post to knock another poster on here looks like your writing a manuscript there so long.

I keep hoping to see you write I'M GONE!

At some point I would think Redweek would see your act too!

Well KEN QUOTED IN PERTINATE PART 1193 you can now write us another manuscript!