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Thank you darlene for your rant. I'm not sure what the true nature / agenda of your "beef" might be, but....

1. I offer my input only when I think it contributes directly and informatively to the topic at hand and I chime in only when I know what I'm talking about. That doesn't (at least in my book) constitute being in any way "full of myself". You are ALWAYS completely free to ignore any and every word I ever have to say.

2. I have no beef or agenda with "phil" (and I am not aware that I have EVER had one at any time). I initially and legitimately failed to understand his apparent primary point about exchanges. It's unfortunate that you evidently have a problem with MY reading skills, but I'm unaware that phil ever did (are you somehow assigned to speak for phil, or on his behalf?).

3. I've not seen anyone else ask for my silence in these forums. If and when they do (and I, right here and right now, openly invite any and all reading here to do just exactly that), I will certainly give that request serious consideration. Meanwhile, I frankly don't care two hoots that you personally don't like my weighing in on those few subjects about which yes, I do indeed happen to have a fair amount of experience and expertise. My intent is solely to inform (not berate) others with accurate facts, objectively and clearly stated. I offer no apology for being well informed --- you might want to consider giving that a try sometime yourself (in place of unwarranted personal attacks containing ZERO useful information and/or items or content of any interest).

Yes indeed, JayJay and I have disagreed in the past. We have chosen in the aftermath of those disagreements to behave like mature adults and sometimes we simply "agree to disagree". Fighting does not inform others and I'm only seeking to inform -- regardless of whether or not you happen to personally approve of my particular input, style, or presence here.

That is my "manuscript" reply to your unnecessary and hostile rant. Have a nice day, darlene -- or at least try to.