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Jayjay I decided to post a reply to you because I think you have that coming after my last post.

I do think you really care about helping people in timesharing and when being nice you are very good. I do disagree that you are the one leading the way of don't use upfront companies when for many years most of us having been preaching this to anyone who would listen.

Just seems you have new people that are trying to learn and don't understand how many forums out there. Many new people never hear from anyone else because you jump on every post and your little buddy follows you so many others don't waste their time.

The problem is you get mad at anyone that does not agree with you. You then go to the dark side and become very mean person and will post insults about these people post's about subject or like one of your last was to tell Phill12 he didn't need to share his opinion because you and ken gave the right answer already.

It does seem many of the people have left or just not here to much any longer. I have seen four and five days of no new topics and this has been going on for months now. Of coarse how many times in a week can people ask the same dumb questions and you give same answers.

You stated in your other post that you see my post and I have a chip on my shoulder from what you say you read from my post. This is good and bad because if you do remember my forum name then you do remember treating me badly before they showed you the door. The other side is if it sounds like I have a chip then it doesn't sound like you have a clue of my forum name and just blowing smoke(lies) again. Only chip I have is in your case and that is it!

What is my Tug forum name jayjay?

I have been on Redweek long time but because of you I and many others just look in and leave the site.

Things were bad enough but now you have a sounding board with this KEN IN PERTINATE PART 1193.

I have read some of his long long post but most just give me a head ache.

Its not very nice when you two post back and forth talking about someone's post like you don't understand or person is way off or question makes no sense. You two talk to each other about these people and the post like there not even there and this is not right.

Jayjay even though you have at times talk down to me and others and start post wars just to see them get deleted you do help many people.

I don't know or ever had dealings with this Ken-in-pertinate-part-1193 and don't like him because he seems to be very little help except following you around on this site.

He seems to be full of himself and thinks he is smarter than anyone on here.

I know for a fact of some very smart people that still come on here and when they can get a word in give top advice and don't get into words with you guys. They also don't push how smart or what a expert they are and that tells people more than someone slapping themselves on the back all the time.

You live now in my area from what I understand in NC.

Maybe we will see each other some day on the highway!
