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darlenep30 wrote:
The problem is when you get mad at anyone that doesn't agree with you or telling you how great you are. You then go to the dark side and become very mean person and will post insults about these people post's about subject,wording,spelling or like one of your last was to tell PHILL12 he didn't need to share his opinion because you and ken gave the right answer.

Please do a forum search showing proof of your above accusations by entering the name jayjay under 'I want to' .... in the top right hand corner of this page. That will show ALL my posts. You evidently have me mixed up with somebody else. I don't care one iota about spelling or grammar in these forums and I have stated that fact. When/where did I tell phil that he didn't need to share his opinion?

You stated in your other post that you see my post and I have a chip on my shoulder from what you say you read from my post. This is good and bad because if you do remember my forum name then you do remember treating me bad before they showed you the door.

I have never treated anyone BAD (as you call it) on any forum. Please copy and paste such a post on any forum where I have treated YOU, or anyone else, bad. In a court of law you can't just fly off the handle with bizarre accusations without backing those allegations with solid evidence. I'm asking for that evidence .

What is my Tug handle jayjay?

I don't know and I don't care.

There is a forum on Tug about all this and some people still think the good Gingin(Jayjay) should get another chance. Then they come on RW and see you still do same things to other posters and I guess that talk ended.

Again, please offer evidence. As far as I know GinGin nor Jayjay has never been discussed on Tug.

As far as phil is concerned, he went on Tug and degraded Redweek's new exchange program before it had even gotten off the ground. Yes, the discussions between him and me may have gotten heated here after he did that. Redweek is trying their best to offer an alternative to the big two jolly green giants, RCI and II.

You treated me badly on Tug when I first joined and here on RW I have been deleted many times because of standing up to you so it seems nothing has changed.

Again, please tell in what threads I treated you bad here or on any other forum? Please copy and paste those threads.

Things were bad enough but now you have a sounding board with this KEN IN PERTINATE PART 1193.

Ken and I are definitely not joined at the hip as we disagree with each on many issues, but as he has stated, we agree to disagree and go on about our way. You know that Ken is a longtime highly respected member of Tug, don't you? However he posts there differently than he posts here.

I have read some of his long long post but most just give me a head ache.

I bet. Why don't you take a deep breath, take a couple of aspirins and lie down for awhile. You're getting your panties in a wad over nothing.

Jayjay even though you have at times talk down to me and others and start word wars just to see them get deleted you do help many people.

Well, will wonders never cease .... actually a compliment from you. Please, search jayjay's posts and tell me when I have ever started a war of words here or elsewhere.

He seems to be full of himself and thinks he is smarter than anyone on here.

Ken and I have had words about this and he has toned down his posts a lot. Ken has been into timesharing over 20 years, so sometimes he does come across a little overbearing to newbies but I don't believe it's intentional. He doesn't do that on Tug but Tug is for seasoned timesharers, not newbies.

I know for a fact of some very smart people that still come on here and when they can get a word in give top advice and don't get into words with you guys.

Hey, I wish more timeshare educated people would come to Redweek and post their knowledge. There are only a handful of people that post here regularly and I, for one, am very glad for all the regulars here that help educate Redweek members who ask for advice.

You live now in my area from what I understand in NC.

Do you live in the mountains of western NC. Perhaps we could meet one day. There are only a handful of North Carolinians that post regularly on Tug and most of them are very nice.

In closing, I sincerely hope you feel better after getting whatever is eating you, conerning me, off your chest, I believe it's called venting ... if you don't feel better, you certainly should :o)! BTW, I will be looking for all of your evidence in future postings.

Sincerely, JayJay