Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.

Original Message:

Does ever update? (by KC):

steved182 states in part: >> If I was selling a time share, I think I would know if it was being sold, not "I think it's already sold".<< ------------------------------------------------

Not necessarily. Consider that someone selling a timeshare might have a verbal offer, but no signed contract yet. They could have a signed contract, but no payment yet. They could have a down payment, but not the whole balance due yet. The contract might be in someone else's hands (being processed at a closing company, for example) but not yet actually completed. There are numerous possibilities and good reasons why a seller might not actually know for certain that a week is conclusively sold. The deal is not "done" until all the paperwork and payment is settled and a new deed is recorded in the name of the new owner. It's not as simple as buying a radio at a flea market, where someone picks up the radio, hands over some cash, walks away, and the deal is done. Things are considerably more complicated in a timeshare transaction, which is a process --- with numerous, progressive steps.

Advertisers (private or commercial) should make an effort to indicate the status of a pending sale on their ads, but they also don't want to discourage other potential buyers if a deal which is currently in progress "falls through" later.